Random Geology Photos
A few of my favorite geology photos…
Ramp and flat: McConnell Thrust, Canadian Rocky Mountains
Raft River detachment, NW Utah
Stretched cobble conglomerate, Raft River Mountains, NW Utah
Calcite slickenfibers
Sierra de Quilmes mylonite
Snake Range mylonite
Lines shortened and lengthened, Blackpine Mountains, Idaho
Mining truck
A (big) bouncing boulder from the Atacama
Boulder that fell during the Pisagua earthquake
Ripple marks
Mid-Atlantic Ridge, onshore, Iceland
Þingvellir, Iceland
Dismembered folds, southern Chile
Taconic unconformity, Catskill, NH
Beach pebbles, Lake Erie
Mini-duplex, Marcellus Shale
Surface crack filled with gypsum and eolian sand, N. Chile Coastal Cordillera